Fire Extinguisher Installation Regulations And Requirements Guide
We face a lot of questions about fire extinguisher locations at Aegis Safe, so we have decided to clear your queries or FAQs through this fire extinguisher installation locations guide.
This article discusses the requirement of fire extinguishers in different environments.
You can contact us, get in touch with your local fire protection authority or check out the Building Code of Australia if you have further queries. We can help you with your OSHA fire extinguisher requirements. We can also do an onsite inspection and make some suggestions to comply to OSHA fire extinguisher floor marking requirements.
Fire Extinguishers For Your Workplace Or Office?
The AS 2444-2001 standard for portable fire extinguishers and fire blankets, which explains the selection and location details of extinguishers, must be strictly followed while installing fire extinguishers in buildings.
This standard also conveys fire extinguisher requirements for commercial buildings must be positioned at least 10 cm above the floor, but not at a height exceeding 1.2m.
All high-risk areas like kitchens, or a place with a high-concentration of appliances/equipment must have fire extinguishers in their vicinity. The common recommendation is – A fire extinguisher must be located within a 15m radius of every high-risk area.
A fire extinguisher must be located within a 15m radius of every high-risk area

Fire Extinguishers For Schools And Teaching Facilities
All fire extinguishers used for educational purposes, whether in buildings or schools, must be installed in accordance to AS 2444-2001.
You can also install your fire extinguisher inside a cabinet if you want to prevent students form tampering with the portable equipment. It would be good to note that there is nothing blocking access to fire extinguishers at all times.
Fire Extinguishers For Cars and Vehicles
Your vehicle must be equipped with adequate safety measures, if it is utilised for work purposes. The same provision must be made in case of fire safety equipment.
Fire extinguishers have also been included by WorkSafe Victoria in their guide about risk management. They recommend that all work vehicles must be equipped with fire extinguishers, first aid kits and emergency contact numbers.
You must refer and adhere to AS 2444-2001 standard for portable fire extinguishers and fire blankets (selection and location) if you decide on installing fire protection equipment in your vehicle.
Fire extinguishers for boats and marine craft
All “powered recreational vessels” must have portable fire extinguishers, as stated by Marine Safety Victoria. If your boat is equipped with any gas supply, electric motor, or has fuel on board, a fire extinguisher is a necessity.
- You must have one fire extinguisher on board if the length of your vessel is less than 8m.
- You must have two portable fire extinguishers on board if the length of your vessel is between 8-12m.
- You need to have three fire extinguishers on board if the length of your board exceeds 12m.
Fire extinguishers must be accessible during an emergency. So, they should be secured near all high-risk areas.
You must take professional help while installing a fire extinguisher, as this will make sure it is placed in an ideal position and is easily visible and accessible.
Fire Extinguishers For Hospitals
The following range of fire extinguishers are the only specific types allowed in residential/patient care areas, according to the NSW Health Guide:
- Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers
- Stored water fire extinguishers(devoid of fire hose reels)
DHS Victoria states that portable fire extinguishers must fulfill the requirements mentioned in the AS 2444 standard and the Building code of Australia.
“The fire extinguishers selected must adhere to the potential side effects and must also be appropriately positioned to address various types of fire.”
Proper signs must be provided, so that, during an emergency, it’s easier for patients and staff members to find the portable fire extinguishers. Standard fire extinguisher sign height should always be followed during installation.
Portable fire extinguishers must be stored in a secured location if staff members find the patients exhibiting a potential to misuse it.
The DHS states that fire extinguishers must be placed near any potential fire hazard and also at staff workstations.
Fire Extinguishers For Farms
While operating machinery or farm equipment, CFA Victoria recommends utilizing knapsack spray pumps as fire protection. Make sure to train your family and staff about safe and relevant ways to use a fire extinguisher, in case your farm is equipped with fire extinguishers and other firefighting equipment. Required and proper location of fire extinguishers in a workplace should never be overlooked.
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About Aegis Safe
Your safety and peace of mind is our objective. Aegis Safe has been helping our clients protect their staff and property with our full range of comprehensive fire protection solutions since 2009. We specialise in installing, inspecting, testing, diagnosing and repairing fire protection systems.